Sunday, June 3, 2012

Achieving Dreams

Time to get real. Goals are important, but when your sole purpose in life is to retire as soon as possible, there is something wrong. It seems that society thinks that getting a "normal" job, getting married, having kids, and waiting to retire is the only way to live. I've viewed too many of these stereotypical families...and they are miserable. They think misery is a normal part of life. They accept it and feel that they are doing the "responsible" and "decent" thing. They rush off to marry people they don't even really like, just so they find someone to help fulfill what society expects of them. People are afraid to actually do what is in their heart. They are afraid because other people make them feel like they are inferior or less of a person if they choose to actually fulfill their dreams. Settling for a mediocre life has become the standard. If you choose to step outside of the box, society frowns on actually succeed. Consider this: all of the famous musicians/bands/scientists/doctors/lawyers/actors had to start at the same point as anyone else...the beginning. Each person had to work their way to the top of their field. They faced naysayers and other negative feedback. They didn't quit. They didn't settle. They knew they were capable of more and refused to accept less. Yes, we all know the rare stories of those that had great luck and made it to the top with little struggle, but most had to work hard and push through the negativity. Giving up and settling on a mediocre life is not in the cards for me. I've faced numerous awful things to get to where I'm at, and I refuse to let all of my work and suffering be in vain. If you choose to have the life of your dreams, surround yourself with the people that will support and encourage you. Drop the negative people. No one has the right to judge your life...and everyone has the right to live their life the way they want to live it. If I want to get married, have kids, and be a rockstar...I should be allowed to do that without people judging my ability to have a relationship, raise kids, and perform. People need to stop all of the negativity and encourage each other. A little encouragement goes a long way. People would enjoy life, and do everything at a higher standard if they were allowed to live their life the way they wanted, and if they felt that they would be accepted. Life is too short to be miserable. Don't give up on your dreams, but if you do...don't rip down those that work hard to fulfill their dreams.  I never want to retire from music. It is difficult, exhausting, and frustrating. I love it anyways. I succeed every day that I refuse to settle.

Speaking of success...things are moving along on the recording front with my local band. Very unexpected and great things are happening! More info soon! Until then...keep sending positive vibes my way and keep working on your dreams! Don't settle!

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