Saturday, February 23, 2013

And the Journey Continues...

I haven't posted for a couple of months due to many changes that were happening faster than I could process. Once again, I ended up working with people that were not as serious as they had originally stated. While it was a bit of a shock to me regarding how they chose to handle the situation, I am not angry. Anger is pointless. I've stated from the beginning, that I only want to work with musicians that actually WANT to work and enjoy it. Clearly, these people were not right...and even though I had pretty high hopes, it wasn't meant to be. I learned a great deal from them and I honestly believe that this experience was a necessary stepping stone. I had gotten too comfortable with my own vision of how things should be. I needed a bit of a shake up. I certainly got that! Veiled Words (my band), will continue on, but as a project that will be recordings of my piano/vocal originals. I will use other musicians as needed. In short, it will be a means for me to showcase another side of my writing/performing skills.

After Veiled Words took a different direction, I started writing a bit more and taking personal inventory on my goals/desires for music. I branched out a bit and started talking with musicians locally and all over the world. I discovered that there was a melodic metal band in my area, that was flying under radar due to having a difficult time with finding the right musicians. I was intrigued by this, and started to investigate. I was very noncommittal when I discovered that they needed a female lead. I simply said that I might be interested or that I might be willing to help out for a bit. After many conversations with one of the founding members & listening to their music, I decided to go ahead and audition. I was very skeptical and fairly certain that it probably wasn't going to work, but I had agreed to audition and had to follow through. Don't get me wrong, I was excited, but I had a million reasons as to why it probably wouldn't work. I just kept holding on to the idea that "you never know until you try." At the audition, I had to create the vocals to one of their songs. Needless to say, I had a blast with these guys, loved the sound, and we ended up recording the first song to the album right then and there! I was stunned at how much I enjoyed working with them on their music. Their ideas and processes were very similar to my own. I was impressed that they actually cared about the sound and would critique each other without getting offended. It has been an awesome experience to work with this group. In fact, I would even say that it is one of my most enjoyable music experiences ever. The past three weeks with this group, have been incredible. So, I am now singing with Waking Myth!

Waking Myth is a melodic metal band that uses male scream/growl vocals and clean female vocals. I enjoy this type of metal, because anything is possible. Playing with extremes, is encouraged. One song can be incredibly heavy, and the next can have a lighter, expressive feel. Melodic metal also requires each person to be a true, skilled musician. Those that are ignorant of this style of metal, will comment that the band is "not heavy enough" for metal. Typically, you need to listen to a full album to appreciate the extremes and receive the "heavy" metal feel. I personally feel that melodic metal is great for audiences, because the extremes give the listener different sounds that allow them to digest and appreciate every opposed to slamming them with the same level of dynamics and intensity the entire night. Music gets lost in the shuffle when you don't give an audience a chance to breathe. The lyrics and emotion behind each song are important in melodic metal. Bands such as Kamelot, Epica, and Insomnium, are the experts in melodic metal. If you listen to one of their full albums, you'll understand.

Waking Myth has performed with some great melodic metal bands, such as Epica. We are currently in the process of planning our summer tour, various concerts, and finishing our album. Please check out my band's Facebook page, listen to our first song from the album, and show your support by "liking" and sharing our page! Please support new artists! Waking Myth

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