Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Test drive #1

This past week has been very exciting! I have found quite a few "hidden" musicians that share the same views and desires as me. The best part is that they practically live in my backyard. I feel a little like Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz" saying, "there's no place like home." I'm shocked. I've been talking with wonderful people/musicians all over the country. I never expected to find them near me. I've looked before, but they were always committed to other projects and not available. Some of the musicians I have stumbled upon have recently moved here, some have just finished up their work with various bands/studios and others currently have bands. It is refreshing to hear that there are musicians that actually care about their level of performing, refuse to use drugs and take practicing seriously. I have found a great support system among them. Many of them have shared very encouraging words and plenty of advice. I appreciate this "mentoring" more than I can say. I'm overwhelmed with how generous these "strangers" have been. 

Aside from networking, I have finally found a terrific line-up for my band. After listening to many amazing auditions, I finally chose a group of guys that have loads of talent, don't use drugs and are just as passionate as I am about music. The audition process isn't over quite yet though! While each person has an amazing set of skills, we need to see if we can work well together. I was anxious to have everyone meet for the first time to see if we could tolerate each other for more than five minutes in the same room. We had a great conversation and it couldn't have gone better! We plan to meet up again to chat and set up some trial practice sessions. We have committed to three sessions with the hope of discovering whether we enjoy this line-up or need to move on. After hearing their individual auditions, I'm incredibly excited at the potential for this collaboration. As long as everyone in this group enjoys this project and respects each other, I think I'm looking at the best situation I could ever hope for. 

Music tastes vary, like tastes in food or cars. Trying to piece together a band is a little like shopping for a car. There are so many options that can change the whole flavor of things. The band that I am about to test drive has seasoned pros, a metal head, progressive influences, classical influences, an age span of roughly 30 years between the youngest and oldest, excellent work ethics and a strong desire to play well. In short, I feel like I am about to drive a luxury car. The only thing left to do is see what the quirks are...and decide if they are deal breakers. I've already discovered one quirk...me. I am not allowing myself to enjoy this process as much as I could be. I have doubts that are based off of my past experiences. I've been attempting to view everything as a business transaction, so that I can avoid the friendships that occur in bands. In a sense, I am partly sabotaging my own efforts. I know that it is important for band members to be friends with each other. I just don't enjoy the "break-up" process...even when leaving on good terms. 

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