Wednesday, November 21, 2012


This Thanksgiving (U.S.), I’m grateful for everything that has guided me to music. Some things were very wonderful events that anyone would be grateful for, but other experiences were not so nice. Sometimes, you find your calling through tragedy (see my first few blog posts). Every once in awhile, you need something that shakes your world up and gives you a different perspective. All of the events in my life so far, have been exactly what I needed to get myself headed in the right direction. I can see the influence of every teacher, friend, enemy, failed relationship, and family member. The kind words of encouragement have meant just as much as the words that were meant to take the wind out of my sails…both have kept my passion alive in their own ways.  Health scares, pain, loss, and weakness, have made me grateful to be alive and healthy…but also created a sense of urgency to really live my life, use my talents, and pursue what I love, since I’m not promised another day.  Even my inability to locate the right musicians for my band, has been something to be thankful for. Sure, I want to find them, but in the mean time, I have opportunities that I wouldn’t have had otherwise and I’m learning so much about myself as a musician. Yes, I’m very thankful every day of my life, not just when things are going along smoothly. All “good” and seemingly “bad’ things are all quite positive when you look at every experience as a lesson to learn. My mom always reminds me that, “behind every cloud, there is a silver lining.” Find the positive in every scenario and at the end of each day, reflect back on all of the things you have to be grateful for.  This act will help to fill you back up so that you have something left to give. Sometimes, you even stumble upon the lyrics to a new song! Happy Thanksgiving to those in the U.S. and many blessings to you all!

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”  ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

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