Saturday, March 31, 2012

Music and the Future

Music is such an amazing thing. I'm not sure how people would function without it. I've talked to so many people lately that have told me how much music means to them. Some people say it is great stress relief for them to listen to their favorites and swear that it changes their mood from negative to positive. Others have found comfort in listening to a song that describes their current situation. Music is used to motivate athletes to perform better and get the most out of their training. Music therapists are aware of the therapeutic effects it has on patients. Employers have found that their employees are more productive when they listen to music. People of all ages have certain tunes that they connect with. It seems that music is an important and positive part of life in every culture. So, I ask you...why are our schools ensuring that music doesn't have a future? Schools are cutting their music programs and/or not allowing adequate rehearsal time...all to save a buck. We end up destroying the things that are good in this world, because we fail to see the big picture. Take a look at some of your favorite artists and see how they got their start in music. Many will confirm that they started to take an interest in music due to their school music programs. Consider the role that music plays in your life. Try to go without listening to radio, no I-pod, put down the guitar. Drive to work in silence. Work out at the gym without music. Imagine movies and TV without music. No more concerts. Enjoy your parties and gatherings without music. Now do me a favor and see to it that music isn't being cut from your school. Support your local music programs, music teachers, and performers. Pay attention when a government official decides to cut funding for the arts. I bet they listen to music on their way to work too. Don't allow music to become extinct. It is one of the few things left that we all enjoy in various ways...but we take it for granted. Thanks.

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